ZETAIN DESGN & EBRAND MEDICALCONSULTING GROUP is a global firm of architects, designers, strategists, and specialists.We focus exclusive on environments through the lens of interior architecture-a radical idea in 2001, when ZETIAN DESIGN was founded.Our vast suite of capabilities allows us to intersect with one another, involve experts at every level, include our clients vision and improve each project we touch.
We offer research theme is to conduct research on the 4D space and cultural, service, marketing, informatization, human resources and international cooperation in building modules etc. Our wealth of experience in signage design, wayfinding strategy, branding and graphic design, allows us to create effective and exquisite solutions, whatever your needs.
Our wealth of experience in senior housing, retirement living industry project construction, to provide investors with the land from the beginning to the project completion of the package, the whole process of advisory services and the holistic positioning, project planning, architecture, decoration design. Below is a brief description of our services:

Service Contents

Orientation Planning:
Healthcare Projects Orientation Planning
Feasibility Study Report
Design Project Assignment Guideline
Healthcare Projects construction Consulting Services
International Cooperation And Management Consultancy
Projects Design:
Architectural Scheme Design
Medical Specialties Technological Design
Medical Flow And Delicate Floorplan Design
Hospital Interior Design
Automation Project Design
Soft Outfit Decoration Design
Indoor And Outdoor Guidance Point To Point Design
Modern Medical Device And Furniture Configuration Design
Cultural Construction:
Cutural Leads
Cultural Environment
Cultural Communication
Cultural Management

Main Line:021-63876900
Address: No. 831, No. 2 (Traffic building)
16 Floor, Xi Zang South Road,
Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
weixin:Zetian Design